Academy Researcher Fellow, Gender Studies, Sociology & STS
Tampere University & University of Helsinki
the Finnish Reproductive Studies Network

The research network brings together scholars from fields of social and political sciences, humanities, law, health sciences and medicine exploring reproduction not merely as physical birth but more broadly as an agent of bodily, biological, viral, sexual and cultural transformation. The common commitment of the researchers in the network is to inquire into the historical and current complexities of reproductive practices and policies. This commitment on reproduction studies derivers from women’s health movements and a long scholarly interest in developing a toolkit to grasp sociotechnical webs that constitute reproductive practice. In short, studies on reproduction not only show how perceptions and practices of reproduction are multiple and contested, but also how questions of power relations, resources, skills, suffering, hope, meaning, and lives are always at stake.
The Finnish Reproductive Studies Network is founded on the need to establish a common discussion forum for scholars scattered in different higher education institutions in Finland, looking at reproduction from various perspectives. The purpose of the network is to support, develop and inspire different collaborative efforts in research and teaching. We will be arranging seminars and conferences with international speakers, workshops, and provide a platform for joint funding applications. To facilitate this we received the Finnish Cultural Foundation‘s Argumenta funding for our a project The Reproductive Futures. The award announcement can be found here. The network will also distribute research publications authored by its members. The network also has an email list, FiReSNet [at] network invites scholars from all career stages exploring the following questions and more: How does reproduction matter in social life and society? How are our futures, origins, selves and kin organized by societal and institutional power relations? What are the changing conditions for reproductive freedom and justice, and for whom? How are gendered, racialized, sexed and classed human and non-human bodies, body parts and tissue reproduced, commodified, transported, governed and cared for in local and transnational spaces?
The network has held regular meetings since autumn 2017. The network is organized by Academy Research Fellow Riikka Homanen and Associate Professor Mianna Meskus from University of Tampere. If you would like to join the network and the email list, please contact Riikka Homanen, Riikka.Homanen [at] or Mianna Meskus [at]